Encontrar el dominio ideal para el proyecto es un problema que todas las emprendedoras nos encontramos, ya trataremos el tema del naming y de qué es un dominio en otros posts, pero una vez hayas definido el nombre de tu proyecto toca saber si el dominio está libre, cuánto cuesta y dónde registrarlo.
Antes que nada es importante que definamos qué es un dominio, qué tipos de dominio hay, para qué sirve cada uno, una vez tengamos esta información podremos definir cuál es el mejor para nosotras.
¿Qué es un dominio?
Un dominio es la “traducción” de direcciones IP y puertos para que pueda ser accesible a más personas. Es imposible que recordemos que la web de nuestra tienda online favorita está en y sí que es más fácil recordar que está en
Los dominios se dividen en dos partes, el nombre y la extensión: en “mompreneurs” es el nombre y “.vip” la extensión. El dominio son solo estos dos términos, ni el https o http ni el www. forman parte del dominio sino de la URL de una página o sitio web.
¿Qué tipos de extensiones de dominios hay?
Inicialmente el sistema de dominios se dividió en dos grupos al que podríamos añadir un tercero:
Los “country code top level domain” (o dominio de nivel superior geográfico) son dominios territoriales basados en los dos caracteres de identificación de cada territorio de acuerdo a las abreviaciones del ISO-3166. Ej: es para España, it para Italia, fr para Francia, mx para México, ar para Argentina, etc.
Son los dominios de nivel superior genéricos (generic top level domain) que representan una serie de nombres y multiorganizaciones, inicialmente fueron: COM, NET, ORG, EDU, GOB y MIL, y luego se unieron otros debido al crecimiento de Internet y a la necesidad de nuevas direcciones.
Nuevos dominios de nivel superior: creados en los últimos años para suplir la demanda ya que los dominios comerciales estándar suelen estar ya registrados.
Incluye nombres de marcas (.abbott, .google, .apple), profesiones (.abogado, .accountant, etc), tipo de negocio (.shop, .agency, etc)
¿Cuál es la extensión de dominio más adecuada para mi negocio?
Mi recomendación para las clientas es siempre similar: si está disponible el .com, si tu negocio es nacional o local la siguiente opción sería el ccTLD de tu país, en nuestro caso .es para España pero lo mismo para .mx o .ar para México y Argentina respectivamente.
Orden de preferencia de dominios
- .com
- .es o ccTLD
- gTLD relacionados con el sector, la industria o el tipo de servicio, ej: .shop, .store, .mobi, .barcelona
¿Cómo saber si el dominio que quiero usar está disponible para registrarlo?
Es importante que a la hora de buscar si el dominio está registrado lo hagas en una web seria y de confianza, en España hay muchas como Don Dominio, Red Coruña, Webempresa, Siteground, etc. A nivel internacional tenemos a Godaddy con una buena herramienta de búsqueda de dominios en Lote
Yo suelo utilizar Namecheap que me permite saber si un nombre de dominio está libre no solo en los gTLD estándar, sino también en los nuevos (como este mismo dominio en el que estamos con la extensión .VIP).

Una vez se confirma que el dominio deseado está libre toca registrarlo, esto podemos hacerlo en el mismo hosting que tenemos contratado y luego apuntar el dominio a nuestro servidor de forma sencilla, y si no tenemos alojamiento contratado hacerlo al mismo tiempo que registramos el dominio. En muchas empresas al contratar el alojamiento anual de la web incluyen una promoción con el registro del dominio gratis por un año, como en Siteground.
¿Tienes dudas? Deja tu comentario o compártelo en uno de tus grupos para intercambiar opiniones con otras compañeras.
Lista de gTLD
Extensión de dominio | Tipo de Dominio | Organización |
.abbott | generic | Abbott Laboratories, Inc. |
.abogado | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.academy | generic | Half Oaks, LLC |
.accountant | generic | dot Accountant Limited |
.accountants | generic | Knob Town, LLC |
.active | generic | The Active Network, Inc |
.actor | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.ads | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.adult | generic | ICM Registry AD LLC |
.aero | sponsored | Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautique (SITA INC USA) |
.afl | generic | Australian Football League |
.agency | generic | Steel Falls, LLC |
.airforce | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.allfinanz | generic | Allfinanz Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft |
.alsace | generic | REGION D ALSACE |
.amsterdam | generic | Gemeente Amsterdam |
.android | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.apartments | generic | June Maple, LLC |
.aquarelle | generic | |
.archi | generic | STARTING DOT LIMITED |
.army | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.arpa | infrastructure | Internet Architecture Board (IAB) |
.asia | sponsored | DotAsia Organisation Ltd. |
.associates | generic | Baxter Hill, LLC |
.attorney | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.auction | generic | United TLD HoldCo, Ltd. |
.audio | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.autos | generic | DERAutos, LLC |
.axa | generic | AXA SA |
.band | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.bank | generic | fTLD Registry Services, LLC |
.bar | generic | Punto 2012 Sociedad Anonima Promotora de Inversion de Capital Variable |
.barclaycard | generic | Barclays Bank PLC |
.barclays | generic | Barclays Bank PLC |
.bargains | generic | Half Hallow, LLC |
.bauhaus | generic | Werkhaus GmbH |
.bayern | generic | Bayern Connect GmbH |
.bbc | generic | British Broadcasting Corporation |
.beer | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.berlin | generic | dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG |
.best | generic | BestTLD Pty Ltd |
.bid | generic | dot Bid Limited |
.bike | generic | Grand Hollow, LLC |
.bingo | generic | Sand Cedar, LLC |
.bio | generic | STARTING DOT LIMITED |
.biz | generic-restricted | NeuStar, Inc. |
.black | generic | Afilias Limited |
.blackfriday | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.bloomberg | generic | Bloomberg IP Holdings LLC |
.blue | generic | Afilias Limited |
.bmw | generic | Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft |
.bnpparibas | generic | BNP Paribas |
.boats | generic | DERBoats, LLC |
.bond | generic | Bond University Limited |
.boo | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.boutique | generic | Over Galley, LLC |
.brussels | generic | vzw |
.budapest | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.build | generic | Plan Bee LLC |
.builders | generic | Atomic Madison, LLC |
.business | generic | Spring Cross, LLC |
.buzz | generic | DOTSTRATEGY CO. |
.bzh | generic | Association |
.cab | generic | Half Sunset, LLC |
.cafe | generic | Pioneer Canyon, LLC |
.cal | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.camera | generic | Atomic Maple, LLC |
.camp | generic | Delta Dynamite, LLC |
.cancerresearch | generic | Australian Cancer Research Foundation |
.canon | generic | Canon Inc. |
.capetown | generic | ZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry |
.capital | generic | Delta Mill, LLC |
.caravan | generic | Caravan International, Inc. |
.cards | generic | Foggy Hollow, LLC |
.care | generic | Goose Cross, LLC |
.career | generic | dotCareer LLC |
.careers | generic | Wild Corner, LLC |
.cartier | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.casa | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.cash | generic | Delta Lake, LLC |
.casino | generic | Binky Sky, LLC |
.cat | sponsored | Fundacio puntCAT |
.catering | generic | New Falls. LLC |
.cbn | generic | The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. |
.center | generic | Tin Mill, LLC |
.ceo | generic | CEOTLD Pty Ltd |
.cern | generic | European Organization for Nuclear Research (“CERN”) |
.cfd | generic | DOTCFD REGISTRY LTD |
.channel | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.chat | generic | Sand Fields, LLC |
.cheap | generic | Sand Cover, LLC |
.chloe | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.christmas | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.chrome | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.church | generic | Holly Fileds, LLC |
.citic | generic | CITIC Group Corporation |
.city | generic | Snow Sky, LLC |
.claims | generic | Black Corner, LLC |
.cleaning | generic | Fox Shadow, LLC |
.click | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.clinic | generic | Goose Park, LLC |
.clothing | generic | Steel Lake, LLC |
.club | generic | .CLUB DOMAINS, LLC |
.coach | generic | Koko Island, LLC |
.codes | generic | Puff Willow, LLC |
.coffee | generic | Trixy Cover, LLC |
.college | generic | XYZ.COM LLC |
.cologne | generic | NetCologne Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mbH |
.com | generic | VeriSign Global Registry Services |
.community | generic | Fox Orchard, LLC |
.company | generic | Silver Avenue, LLC |
.computer | generic | Pine Mill, LLC |
.condos | generic | Pine House, LLC |
.construction | generic | Fox Dynamite, LLC |
.consulting | generic | United TLD Holdco, LTD. |
.contractors | generic | Magic Woods, LLC |
.cooking | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.cool | generic | Koko Lake, LLC |
.coop | sponsored | DotCooperation LLC |
.country | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.credit | generic | Snow Shadow, LLC |
.creditcard | generic | Binky Frostbite, LLC |
.cricket | generic | dot Cricket Limited |
.crs | generic | Federated Co-operatives Limited |
.cruises | generic | Spring Way, LLC |
.cuisinella | generic | SALM S.A.S. |
.cymru | generic | Nominet UK |
.cyou | generic | Beijing Gamease Age Digital Technology Co., Ltd. |
.dabur | generic | Dabur India Limited |
.dad | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.dance | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.date | generic | dot Date Limited |
.dating | generic | Pine Fest, LLC |
.datsun | generic | NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. |
.day | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.dclk | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.deals | generic | Sand Sunset, LLC |
.degree | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.delivery | generic | Steel Station, LLC |
.democrat | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.dental | generic | Tin Birch, LLC |
.dentist | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.desi | generic | Desi Networks LLC |
.design | generic | Top Level Design, LLC |
.dev | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.diamonds | generic | John Edge, LLC |
.diet | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.digital | generic | Dash Park, LLC |
.direct | generic | Half Trail, LLC |
.directory | generic | Extra Madison, LLC |
.discount | generic | Holly Hill, LLC |
.dnp | generic | Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. |
.docs | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.doha | generic | Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) |
.domains | generic | Sugar Cross, LLC |
.doosan | generic | Doosan Corporation |
.download | generic | dot Support Limited |
.durban | generic | ZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry |
.dvag | generic | Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG |
.eat | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.edu | sponsored | EDUCAUSE |
.education | generic | Brice Way, LLC |
generic | Spring Madison, LLC | |
.emerck | generic | Merck KGaA |
.energy | generic | Binky Birch, LLC |
.engineer | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.engineering | generic | Romeo Canyon |
.enterprises | generic | Snow Oaks, LLC |
.epson | generic | Seiko Epson Corporation |
.equipment | generic | Corn Station, LLC |
.erni | generic | ERNI Group Holding AG |
.esq | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.estate | generic | Trixy Park, LLC |
.eurovision | generic | European Broadcasting Union (EBU) |
.eus | generic | Puntueus Fundazioa |
.events | generic | Pioneer Maple, LLC |
.everbank | generic | EverBank |
.exchange | generic | Spring Falls, LLC |
.expert | generic | Magic Pass, LLC |
.exposed | generic | Victor Beach, LLC |
.express | generic | Sea Sunset, LLC |
.fail | generic | Atomic Pipe, LLC |
.faith | generic | dot Faith Limited |
.fan | generic | Asiamix Digital Ltd |
.fans | generic | Asiamix Digital Limited |
.farm | generic | Just Maple, LLC |
.fashion | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.feedback | generic | Top Level Spectrum, Inc. |
.film | generic | Motion Picture Domain Registry Pty Ltd |
.finance | generic | Cotton Cypress, LLC |
.financial | generic | Just Cover, LLC |
.firmdale | generic | Firmdale Holdings Limited |
.fish | generic | Fox Woods, LLC |
.fishing | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.fit | generic | Minds + Machines Group Limited |
.fitness | generic | Brice Orchard, LLC |
.flights | generic | Fox Station, LLC |
.florist | generic | Half Cypress, LLC |
.flowers | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.flsmidth | generic | FLSmidth A/S |
.fly | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.foo | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.football | generic | Foggy Farms, LLC |
.forex | generic | DOTFOREX REGISTRY LTD |
.forsale | generic | United TLD Holdco, LLC |
.foundation | generic | John Dale, LLC |
.frl | generic | FRLregistry B.V. |
.frogans | generic | OP3FT |
.fund | generic | John Castle, LLC |
.furniture | generic | Lone Fields, LLC |
.futbol | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd. |
.gal | generic | Asociación puntoGAL |
.gallery | generic | Sugar House, LLC |
.garden | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.gbiz | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.gdn | generic | Joint Stock Company “Navigation-information systems” |
.gent | generic | COMBELL GROUP NV/SA |
.ggee | generic | GMO Internet, Inc. |
.gift | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.gifts | generic | Goose Sky, LLC |
.gives | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.glass | generic | Black Cover, LLC |
.gle | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.global | generic | Dot Global Domain Registry Limited |
.globo | generic | Globo Comunicação e Participações S.A |
.gmail | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.gmo | generic | GMO Internet, Inc. |
.gmx | generic | 1&1 Mail & Media GmbH |
.gold | generic | June Edge, LLC |
.goldpoint | generic | YODOBASHI CAMERA CO.,LTD. |
.golf | generic | Lone Falls, LLC |
.goo | generic | NTT Resonant Inc. |
.goog | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. | |
.gop | generic | Republican State Leadership Committee, Inc. |
.gov | sponsored | General Services Administration Attn: QTDC, 2E08 (.gov Domain Registration) |
.graphics | generic | Over Madison, LLC |
.gratis | generic | Pioneer Tigers, LLC |
.green | generic | Afilias Limited |
.gripe | generic | Corn Sunset, LLC |
.guge | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.guide | generic | Snow Moon, LLC |
.guitars | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.guru | generic | Pioneer Cypress, LLC |
.hamburg | generic | Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH |
.hangout | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.haus | generic | United TLD Holdco, LTD. |
.healthcare | generic | Silver Glen, LLC |
.help | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.here | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.hermes | generic | Hermes International |
.hiphop | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.hiv | generic | dotHIV gemeinnuetziger e.V. |
.holdings | generic | John Madison, LLC |
.holiday | generic | Goose Woods, LLC |
.homes | generic | DERHomes, LLC |
.horse | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.host | generic | DotHost Inc. |
.hosting | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.house | generic | Sugar Park, LLC |
.how | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.ibm | generic | International Business Machines Corporation |
.ifm | generic | ifm electronic gmbh |
.immo | generic | Auburn Bloom, LLC |
.immobilien | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.industries | generic | Outer House, LLC |
.infiniti | generic | NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. |
.info | generic | Afilias Limited |
.ing | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.ink | generic | Top Level Design, LLC |
.institute | generic | Outer Maple, LLC |
.insure | generic | Pioneer Willow, LLC |
.int | sponsored | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.international | generic | Wild Way, LLC |
.investments | generic | Holly Glen, LLC |
.irish | generic | Dot-Irish LLC |
.iwc | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.java | generic | Oracle Corporation |
.jcb | generic | JCB Co., Ltd. |
.jetzt | generic | New TLD Company AB |
.jobs | sponsored | Employ Media LLC |
.joburg | generic | ZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry |
.juegos | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.kaufen | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.kddi | generic | KDDI CORPORATION |
.kim | generic | Afilias Limited |
.kitchen | generic | Just Goodbye, LLC |
.kiwi | generic | DOT KIWI LIMITED |
.koeln | generic | NetCologne Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mbH |
.komatsu | generic | Komatsu Ltd. |
.krd | generic | KRG Department of Information Technology |
.kred | generic | KredTLD Pty Ltd |
.kyoto | generic | Academic Institution: Kyoto Jyoho Gakuen |
.land | generic | Pine Moon, LLC |
.lat | generic | ECOM-LAC Federación de Latinoamérica y el Caribe para Internet y el Comercio Electrónico |
.latrobe | generic | La Trobe University |
.lawyer | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.lds | generic | IRI Domain Management, LLC |
.lease | generic | Victor Trail, LLC |
.leclerc | generic | A.C.D. LEC Association des Centres Distributeurs Edouard Leclerc |
.legal | generic | Blue Falls, LLC |
.lgbt | generic | Afilias Limited |
.lidl | generic | Schwarz Domains und Services GmbH & Co. KG |
.life | generic | Trixy Oaks, LLC |
.lighting | generic | John McCook, LLC |
.limited | generic | Big Fest, LLC |
.limo | generic | Hidden Frostbite, LLC |
.link | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.loan | generic | dot Loan Limited |
.loans | generic | June Woods, LLC |
.london | generic | Dot London Domains Limited |
.lotte | generic | Lotte Holdings Co., Ltd. |
.lotto | generic | Afilias Limited |
.love | generic | Merchant Law Group LLP |
.ltda | generic | InterNetX Corp. |
.luxe | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.luxury | generic | Luxury Partners LLC |
.madrid | generic | Comunidad de Madrid |
.maif | generic | Mutuelle Assurance Instituteur France (MAIF) |
.maison | generic | Victor Frostbite, LLC |
.management | generic | John Goodbye, LLC |
.mango | generic | PUNTO FA S.L. |
.market | generic | Unitied TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.marketing | generic | Fern Pass, LLC |
.markets | generic | DOTMARKETS REGISTRY LTD |
.marriott | generic | Marriott Worldwide Corporation |
.media | generic | Grand Glen, LLC |
.meet | generic | Afilias Limited |
.melbourne | generic | The Crown in right of the State of Victoria, represented by its Department of State Development, Business and Innovation |
.meme | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.memorial | generic | Dog Beach, LLC |
.menu | generic | Wedding TLD2, LLC |
.miami | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.mil | sponsored | DoD Network Information Center |
.mini | generic | Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft |
.mma | generic | MMA IARD |
.mobi | sponsored | Afilias Technologies Limited dba dotMobi |
.moda | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.moe | generic | Interlink Co., Ltd. |
.monash | generic | Monash University |
.money | generic | Outer McCook, LLC |
.mormon | generic | IRI Domain Management, LLC (“Applicant”) |
.mortgage | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.moscow | generic | Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development (FAITID) |
.motorcycles | generic | DERMotorcycles, LLC |
.mov | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.movie | generic | New Frostbite, LLC |
.mtn | generic | MTN Dubai Limited |
.mtpc | generic | Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation |
.museum | sponsored | Museum Domain Management Association |
.nagoya | generic | GMO Registry, Inc. |
.name | generic-restricted | VeriSign Information Services, Inc. |
.navy | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.net | generic | VeriSign Global Registry Services |
.network | generic | Trixy Manor, LLC |
.neustar | generic | NeuStar, Inc. |
.new | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.news | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.nexus | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.ngo | generic | Public Interest Registry |
.nhk | generic | Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) |
.nico | generic | DWANGO Co., Ltd. |
.ninja | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.nissan | generic | NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. |
.nra | generic | NRA Holdings Company, INC. |
.nrw | generic | Minds + Machines GmbH |
.nyc | generic | The City of New York by and through the New York City Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications |
.okinawa | generic | BusinessRalliart inc. |
.one | generic | A/S |
.ong | generic | Public Interest Registry |
.onl | generic | I-REGISTRY Ltd., Niederlassung Deutschland |
.online | generic | DotOnline Inc. |
.org | generic | Public Interest Registry (PIR) |
.organic | generic | Afilias Limited |
.osaka | generic | Interlink Co., Ltd. |
.otsuka | generic | Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd. |
.ovh | generic | OVH SAS |
.page | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.panerai | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.paris | generic | City of Paris |
.partners | generic | Magic Glen, LLC |
.parts | generic | Sea Goodbye, LLC |
.party | generic | Blue Sky Registry Limited |
.pharmacy | generic | National Association of Boards of Pharmacy |
.photo | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.photography | generic | Sugar Glen, LLC |
.photos | generic | Sea Corner, LLC |
.physio | generic | PhysBiz Pty Ltd |
.piaget | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.pics | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.pictet | generic | Pictet Europe S.A. |
.pictures | generic | Foggy Sky, LLC |
.pink | generic | Afilias Limited |
.pizza | generic | Foggy Moon, LLC |
.place | generic | Snow Galley, LLC |
.plumbing | generic | Spring Tigers, LLC |
.plus | generic | Sugar Mill, LLC |
.pohl | generic | Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG |
.poker | generic | Afilias Domains No. 5 Limited |
.porn | generic | ICM Registry PN LLC |
.post | sponsored | Universal Postal Union |
.praxi | generic | Praxi S.p.A. |
.press | generic | DotPress Inc. |
.pro | generic-restricted | Registry Services Corporation dba RegistryPro |
.prod | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.productions | generic | Magic Birch, LLC |
.prof | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.properties | generic | Big Pass, LLC |
.property | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.pub | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.qpon | generic | dotCOOL, Inc. |
.quebec | generic | PointQuébec Inc |
.racing | generic | Premier Registry Limited |
.realtor | generic | Real Estate Domains LLC |
.recipes | generic | Grand Island, LLC |
.red | generic | Afilias Limited |
.redstone | generic | Redstone Haute Couture Co., Ltd. |
.rehab | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.reise | generic | dotreise GmbH |
.reisen | generic | New Cypress, LLC |
.reit | generic | National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, Inc. |
.ren | generic | Beijing Qianxiang Wangjing Technology Development Co., Ltd. |
.rentals | generic | Big Hollow,LLC |
.repair | generic | Lone Sunset, LLC |
.report | generic | Binky Glen, LLC |
.republican | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.rest | generic | Punto 2012 Sociedad Anonima Promotora de Inversion de Capital Variable |
.restaurant | generic | Snow Avenue, LLC |
.review | generic | dot Review Limited |
.reviews | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd. |
.rich | generic | I-REGISTRY Ltd., Niederlassung Deutschland |
.rio | generic | Empresa Municipal de Informática SA – IPLANRIO |
.rip | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.rocks | generic | United TLD Holdco, LTD. |
.rodeo | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.rsvp | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.ruhr | generic | regiodot GmbH & Co. KG |
.ryukyu | generic | BusinessRalliart inc. |
.saarland | generic | dotSaarland GmbH |
.sale | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.samsung | generic | SAMSUNG SDS CO., LTD |
.sap | generic | SAP AG |
.sarl | generic | Delta Orchard, LLC |
.saxo | generic | Saxo Bank A/S |
.scb | generic | The Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited (“SCB”) |
.schmidt | generic | SALM S.A.S. |
.scholarships | generic |, LLC |
.school | generic | Little Galley, LLC |
.schule | generic | Outer Moon, LLC |
.schwarz | generic | Schwarz Domains und Services GmbH & Co. KG |
.science | generic | dot Science Limited |
.scot | generic | Dot Scot Registry Limited |
.services | generic | Fox Castle, LLC |
.sew | generic | SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG |
.sexy | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.shiksha | generic | Afilias Limited |
.shoes | generic | Binky Galley, LLC |
.shriram | generic | Shriram Capital Ltd. |
.singles | generic | Fern Madison, LLC |
.site | generic | DotSite Inc. |
.sky | generic | Sky IP International Ltd, a company incorporated in England and Wales, operating via its registered Swiss branch |
.social | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.software | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.sohu | generic | Limited |
.solar | generic | Ruby Town, LLC |
.solutions | generic | Silver Cover, LLC |
.soy | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.space | generic | DotSpace Inc. |
.spiegel | generic | SPIEGEL-Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH & Co. KG |
.spreadbetting | generic | DOTSPREADBETTING REGISTRY LTD |
.style | generic | Binky Moon, LLC |
.sucks | generic | Vox Populi Registry Inc. |
.supplies | generic | Atomic Fields, LLC |
.supply | generic | Half Falls, LLC |
.support | generic | Grand Orchard, LLC |
.surf | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.surgery | generic | Tin Avenue, LLC |
.suzuki | generic | SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION |
.sydney | generic | State of New South Wales, Department of Premier and Cabinet |
.systems | generic | Dash Cypress, LLC |
.taipei | generic | Taipei City Government |
.tatar | generic | Limited Liability Company “Coordination Center of Regional Domain of Tatarstan Republic” |
.tattoo | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.tax | generic | Storm Orchard, LLC |
.tech | generic | Dot Tech LLC |
.technology | generic | Auburn Falls, LLC |
.tel | sponsored | Telnic Ltd. |
.temasek | generic | Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited |
.tennis | generic | Cotton Bloom, LLC |
.tickets | generic | Accent Media Limited |
.tienda | generic | Victor Manor, LLC |
.tips | generic | Corn Willow, LLC |
.tires | generic | Dog Edge, LLC |
.tirol | generic | punkt Tirol GmbH |
.today | generic | Pearl Woods, LLC |
.tokyo | generic | GMO Registry, Inc. |
.tools | generic | Pioneer North, LLC |
.top | generic | Jiangsu Bangning Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. |
.toshiba | generic | TOSHIBA Corporation |
.tours | generic | Sugar Station, LLC |
.town | generic | Koko Moon, LLC |
.toys | generic | Pioneer Orchard, LLC |
.trade | generic | Elite Registry Limited |
.trading | generic | DOTTRADING REGISTRY LTD |
.training | generic | Wild Willow, LLC |
.travel | sponsored | Tralliance Registry Management Company, LLC. |
.trust | generic | Artemis Internet Inc |
.tui | generic | TUI AG |
.university | generic | Little Station, LLC |
.uno | generic | Dot Latin LLC |
.uol | generic | UBN INTERNET LTDA. |
.vacations | generic | Atomic Tigers, LLC |
.vegas | generic | Dot Vegas, Inc. |
.ventures | generic | Binky Lake, LLC |
.versicherung | generic | dotversicherung-registry GmbH |
.vet | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.viajes | generic | Black Madison, LLC |
.video | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.villas | generic | New Sky, LLC |
.vision | generic | Koko Station, LLC |
.vlaanderen | generic | vzw |
.vodka | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.vote | generic | Monolith Registry LLC |
.voting | generic | Valuetainment Corp. |
.voto | generic | Monolith Registry LLC |
.voyage | generic | Ruby House, LLC |
.wales | generic | Nominet UK |
.wang | generic | Zodiac Registry Limited |
.watch | generic | Sand Shadow, LLC |
.webcam | generic | dot Webcam Limited |
.website | generic | DotWebsite Inc. |
.wed | generic | Atgron, Inc. |
.wedding | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.whoswho | generic | Who’s Who Registry |
.wien | generic | GmbH |
.wiki | generic | Top Level Design, LLC |
.williamhill | generic | William Hill Organization Limited |
.win | generic | First Registry Limited |
.wme | generic | William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, LLC |
.work | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.works | generic | Little Dynamite, LLC |
.world | generic | Bitter Fields, LLC |
.wtc | generic | World Trade Centers Association, Inc. |
.wtf | generic | Hidden Way, LLC |
.xin | generic | Elegant Leader Limited |
.测试 | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.परीक्षा | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.佛山 | generic | Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co. |
.慈善 | generic | Excellent First Limited |
.集团 | generic | Eagle Horizon Limited |
.在线 | generic | TLD REGISTRY LIMITED |
.八卦 | generic | Zodiac Scorpio Limited |
.موقع | generic | Suhub Electronic Establishment |
.公益 | generic | China Organizational Name Administration Center |
.公司 | generic | Computer Network Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China Internet Network Information Center) |
.移动 | generic | Afilias Limited |
.我爱你 | generic | Tycoon Treasure Limited |
.москва | generic | Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development (FAITID) |
.испытание | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.онлайн | generic | CORE Association |
.сайт | generic | CORE Association |
.时尚 | generic | RISE VICTORY LIMITED |
.테스트 | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.淡马锡 | generic | Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited |
.орг | generic | Public Interest Registry |
.삼성 | generic | SAMSUNG SDS CO. |
.商店 | generic | Wild Island |
.商城 | generic | Zodiac Aquarius Limited |
.дети | generic | The Foundation for Network Initiatives “The Smart Internet” |
.טעסט | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.中文网 | generic | TLD REGISTRY LIMITED |
.中信 | generic | CITIC Group Corporation |
.谷歌 | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.測試 | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.آزمایشی | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.பரிட்சை | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.网店 | generic | Zodiac Libra Limited |
.संगठन | generic | Public Interest Registry |
.网络 | generic | Computer Network Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China Internet Network Information Center) |
.δοκιμή | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.飞利浦 | generic | Koninklijke Philips N.V. |
.إختبار | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.手机 | generic | Beijing RITT-Net Technology Development Co. |
.بازار | generic | CORE Association |
.政府 | generic | Net-Chinese Co. |
.شبكة | generic | International Domain Registry Pty. Ltd. |
.机构 | generic | Public Interest Registry |
.组织机构 | generic | Public Interest Registry |
.健康 | generic | Stable Tone Limited |
.рус | generic | Rusnames Limited |
.みんな | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.グーグル | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.世界 | generic | Stable Tone Limited |
.网址 | generic | KNET Co. |
.游戏 | generic | Spring Fields |
.vermögensberater | generic | Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG |
.vermögensberatung | generic | Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG |
.企业 | generic | Dash McCook |
.信息 | generic | Beijing Tele-info Network Technology Co. |
.广东 | generic | Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co. |
.テスト | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.政务 | generic | China Organizational Name Administration Center |
.xxx | sponsored | ICM Registry LLC |
.xyz | generic | XYZ.COM LLC |
.yachts | generic | DERYachts |
.yandex | generic | YANDEX |
.yodobashi | generic | YODOBASHI CAMERA CO. |
.yoga | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.yokohama | generic | GMO Registry |
.youtube | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.zip | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.zone | generic | Outer Falls |
.zuerich | generic | Kanton Zürich (Canton of Zurich) |
Lista de ccTLD
Extensión de dominio | Tipo de Dominio | Organización |
.ac | country-code | Network Information Center (AC Domain Registry) c/o Cable and Wireless (Ascension Island) |
.ad | country-code | Andorra Telecom |
.ae | country-code | Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.af | country-code | Ministry of Communications and IT |
.ag | country-code | UHSA School of Medicine |
.ai | country-code | Government of Anguilla |
.al | country-code | Electronic and Postal Communications Authority – AKEP |
.am | country-code | Internet Society |
.an | country-code | University of Curacao |
.ao | country-code | Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade Agostinho Neto |
.aq | country-code | Antarctica Network Information Centre Limited |
.ar | country-code | Presidencia de la Nación – SecretarÃa Legal y Técnica |
.as | country-code | AS Domain Registry |
.at | country-code | GmbH |
.au | country-code | .au Domain Administration (auDA) |
.aw | country-code | SETAR |
.ax | country-code | Ã…lands landskapsregering |
.az | country-code | IntraNS |
.ba | country-code | Universtiy Telinformatic Centre (UTIC) |
.bb | country-code | Government of Barbados Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Telecommunications Unit |
.bd | country-code | Ministry of Post & Telecommunications Bangladesh Secretariat |
.be | country-code | DNS Belgium vzw/asbl |
.bf | country-code | ARCE-AutoritÈ de RÈgulation des Communications Electroniques |
.bg | country-code | Register.BG |
.bh | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.bi | country-code | Centre National de l’Informatique |
.bj | country-code | Benin Telecoms S.A. |
.bl | country-code | Not assigned |
.bm | country-code | Registry General Ministry of Labour and Immigration |
.bn | country-code | Telekom Brunei Berhad |
.bo | country-code | Agencia para el Desarrollo de la Información de la Sociedad en Bolivia |
.bq | country-code | Not assigned |
.br | country-code | Comite Gestor da Internet no Brasil |
.bs | country-code | The College of the Bahamas |
.bt | country-code | Ministry of Information and Communications |
.bv | country-code | UNINETT Norid A/S |
.bw | country-code | Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) |
.by | country-code | Reliable Software Inc. |
.bz | country-code | University of Belize |
.ca | country-code | Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) Autorite Canadienne pour les Enregistrements Internet (ACEI) |
.cc | country-code | eNIC Cocos (Keeling) Islands Pty. Ltd. d/b/a Island Internet Services |
.cd | country-code | Office Congolais des Postes et Télécommunications – OCPT |
.cf | country-code | Societe Centrafricaine de Telecommunications (SOCATEL) |
.cg | country-code | ONPT Congo and Interpoint Switzerland |
.ch | country-code | SWITCH The Swiss Education & Research Network |
.ci | country-code | INP-HB Institut National Polytechnique Felix Houphouet Boigny |
.ck | country-code | Telecom Cook Islands Ltd. |
.cl | country-code | NIC Chile (University of Chile) |
.cm | country-code | Cameroon Telecommunications (CAMTEL) |
.cn | country-code | Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
.co | country-code | .CO Internet S.A.S. |
.cr | country-code | National Academy of Sciences Academia Nacional de Ciencias |
.cu | country-code | CENIAInternet Industria y San Jose Capitolio Nacional |
.cv | country-code | Agência Nacional das Comunicações (ANAC) |
.cw | country-code | University of Curacao |
.cx | country-code | Christmas Island Internet Administration Limited |
.cy | country-code | University of Cyprus |
.cz | country-code | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o |
.de | country-code | DENIC eG |
.dj | country-code | Djibouti Telecom S.A |
.dk | country-code | Dansk Internet Forum |
.dm | country-code | DotDM Corporation |
.do | country-code | Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra Recinto Santo Tomas de Aquino |
.dz | country-code | CERIST |
.ec | country-code | NIC.EC (NICEC) S.A. |
.ee | country-code | Eesti Interneti Sihtasutus (EIS) |
.eg | country-code | Egyptian Universities Network (EUN) Supreme Council of Universities |
.eh | country-code | Not assigned |
.er | country-code | Eritrea Telecommunication Services Corporation (EriTel) |
.es | country-code | |
.et | country-code | Ethio telecom |
.eu | country-code | EURid vzw/asbl |
.fi | country-code | Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority |
.fj | country-code | The University of the South Pacific IT Services |
.fk | country-code | Falkland Islands Government |
.fm | country-code | FSM Telecommunications Corporation |
.fo | country-code | FO Council |
.fr | country-code | Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.) |
.ga | country-code | Agence Nationale des Infrastructures Numériques et des Fréquences (ANINF) |
.gb | country-code | Reserved Domain – IANA |
.gd | country-code | The National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC) |
.ge | country-code | Caucasus Online |
.gf | country-code | Net Plus |
.gg | country-code | Island Networks Ltd. |
.gh | country-code | Network Computer Systems Limited |
.gi | country-code | Sapphire Networks |
.gl | country-code | TELE Greenland A/S |
.gm | country-code | GM-NIC |
.gn | country-code | Centre National des Sciences Halieutiques de Boussoura |
.gp | country-code | Networking Technologies Group |
.gq | country-code | GETESA |
.gr | country-code | ICS-FORTH GR |
.gs | country-code | Government of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) |
.gt | country-code | Universidad del Valle de Guatemala |
.gu | country-code | University of Guam Computer Center |
.gw | country-code | Autoridade Reguladora Nacional – Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação da Guiné-Bissau |
.gy | country-code | University of Guyana |
.hk | country-code | Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Ltd. |
.hm | country-code | HM Domain Registry |
.hn | country-code | Red de Desarrollo Sostenible Honduras |
.hr | country-code | CARNet – Croatian Academic and Research Network |
.ht | country-code | Consortium FDS/RDDH |
.hu | country-code | Council of Hungarian Internet Providers (CHIP) |
.id | country-code | Perkumpulan Pengelola Nama Domain Internet Indonesia (PANDI) |
.ie | country-code | University College Dublin Computing Services Computer Centre |
.il | country-code | Internet Society of Israel |
.im | country-code | Isle of Man Government |
.in | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.io | country-code | IO Top Level Domain Registry Cable and Wireless |
.iq | country-code | Communications and Media Commission (CMC) |
.ir | country-code | Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences |
.is | country-code | ISNIC – Internet Iceland ltd. |
.it | country-code | IIT – CNR |
.je | country-code | Island Networks (Jersey) Ltd. |
.jm | country-code | University of West Indies |
.jo | country-code | National Information Technology Center (NITC) |
.jp | country-code | Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd. |
.ke | country-code | Kenya Network Information Center (KeNIC) |
.kg | country-code | AsiaInfo Telecommunication Enterprise |
.kh | country-code | Ministry of Post and Telecommunications |
.ki | country-code | Ministry of Communications, Transport, and Tourism Development |
.km | country-code | Comores Telecom |
.kn | country-code | Ministry of Finance, Sustainable Development Information & Technology |
.kp | country-code | Star Joint Venture Company |
.kr | country-code | Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) |
.kw | country-code | Ministry of Communications |
.ky | country-code | The Information and Communications Technology Authority |
.kz | country-code | Association of IT Companies of Kazakhstan |
.la | country-code | Lao National Internet Committee (LANIC), Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications |
.lb | country-code | American University of Beirut Computing and Networking Services |
.lc | country-code | University of Puerto Rico |
.li | country-code | Universitaet Liechtenstein |
.lk | country-code | Council for Information Technology LK Domain Registrar |
.lr | country-code | Data Technology Solutions, Inc. |
.ls | country-code | National University of Lesotho |
.lt | country-code | Kaunas University of Technology |
.lu | country-code | RESTENA |
.lv | country-code | University of Latvia Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Department of Network Solutions (DNS) |
.ly | country-code | General Post and Telecommunication Company |
.ma | country-code | Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT) |
.mc | country-code | Gouvernement de Monaco Direction des Communications Electroniques |
.md | country-code | MoldData S.E. |
.me | country-code | Government of Montenegro |
.mf | country-code | Not assigned |
.mg | country-code | NIC-MG (Network Information Center Madagascar) |
.mh | country-code | Office of the Cabinet |
.mk | country-code | Macedonian Academic Research Network Skopje |
.ml | country-code | Agence des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication |
.mm | country-code | Ministry of Communications, Posts & Telegraphs |
.mn | country-code | Datacom Co., Ltd. |
.mo | country-code | Bureau of Telecommunications Regulation (DSRT) |
.mp | country-code | Saipan Datacom, Inc. |
.mq | country-code | MEDIASERV |
.mr | country-code | Université des Sciences, de Technologie et de Médecine |
.ms | country-code | MNI Networks Ltd. |
.mt | country-code | NIC (Malta) |
.mu | country-code | Internet Direct Ltd |
.mv | country-code | Dhiraagu Pvt. Ltd. (DHIVEHINET) |
.mw | country-code | Malawi Sustainable Development Network Programme (Malawi SDNP) |
.mx | country-code | NIC-Mexico ITESM – Campus Monterrey |
.my | country-code | MYNIC Berhad |
.mz | country-code | Centro de Informatica de Universidade Eduardo Mondlane |
.na | country-code | Namibian Network Information Center |
.nc | country-code | Office des Postes et Telecommunications |
.ne | country-code | SONITEL |
.nf | country-code | Norfolk Island Data Services |
.ng | country-code | Nigeria Internet Registration Association |
.ni | country-code | Universidad Nacional del Ingernieria Centro de Computo |
.nl | country-code | SIDN (Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland) |
.no | country-code | UNINETT Norid A/S |
.np | country-code | Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd. |
.nr | country-code | CENPAC NET |
.nu | country-code | The IUSN Foundation |
.nz | country-code | InternetNZ |
.om | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.pa | country-code | Universidad Tecnologica de Panama |
.pe | country-code | Red Cientifica Peruana |
.pf | country-code | Gouvernement de la Polynésie française |
.pg | country-code | PNG DNS Administration Vice Chancellors Office The Papua New Guinea University of Technology |
.ph | country-code | PH Domain Foundation |
.pk | country-code | PKNIC |
.pl | country-code | Research and Academic Computer Network |
.pm | country-code | Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.) |
.pn | country-code | Pitcairn Island Administration |
.pr | country-code | Gauss Research Laboratory Inc. |
.ps | country-code | Ministry Of Telecommunications & Information Technology, Government Computer Center. |
.pt | country-code | Associação DNS.PT |
.pw | country-code | Micronesia Investment and Development Corporation |
.py | country-code | NIC-PY |
.qa | country-code | Communications Regulatory Authority |
.re | country-code | Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.) |
.ro | country-code | National Institute for R&D in Informatics |
.rs | country-code | Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS) |
.ru | country-code | Coordination Center for TLD RU |
.rw | country-code | Rwanda Information Communication and Technology Association (RICTA) |
.sa | country-code | Communications and Information Technology Commission |
.sb | country-code | Solomon Telekom Company Limited |
.sc | country-code | VCS Pty Ltd |
.sd | country-code | Sudan Internet Society |
.se | country-code | The Internet Infrastructure Foundation |
.sg | country-code | Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd |
.sh | country-code | Government of St. Helena |
.si | country-code | Academic and Research Network of Slovenia (ARNES) |
.sj | country-code | UNINETT Norid A/S |
.sk | country-code | SK-NIC, a.s. |
.sl | country-code | Sierratel |
.sm | country-code | Telecom Italia San Marino S.p.A. |
.sn | country-code | Universite Cheikh Anta Diop NIC Senegal |
.so | country-code | Ministry of Post and Telecommunications |
.sr | country-code | Telesur |
.ss | country-code | Not assigned |
.st | country-code | Tecnisys |
.su | country-code | Russian Institute for Development of Public Networks (ROSNIIROS) |
.sv | country-code | SVNet |
.sx | country-code | SX Registry SA B.V. |
.sy | country-code | National Agency for Network Services (NANS) |
.sz | country-code | University of Swaziland Department of Computer Science |
.tc | country-code | Melrex TC |
.td | country-code | Société des télécommunications du Tchad (SOTEL TCHAD) |
.tf | country-code | Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.) |
.tg | country-code | Cafe Informatique et Telecommunications |
.th | country-code | Thai Network Information Center Foundation |
.tj | country-code | Information Technology Center |
.tk | country-code | Telecommunication Tokelau Corporation (Teletok) |
.tl | country-code | Ministry of Transport and Communications; National Division of Information and Technology |
.tm | country-code | TM Domain Registry Ltd |
.tn | country-code | Agence Tunisienne d’Internet |
.to | country-code | Government of the Kingdom of Tonga H.R.H. Crown Prince Tupouto’a c/o Consulate of Tonga |
.tp | country-code | Retired |
.tr | country-code | Middle East Technical University Department of Computer Engineering |
.tt | country-code | University of the West Indies Faculty of Engineering |
.tv | country-code | Ministry of Finance and Tourism |
.tw | country-code | Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) |
.tz | country-code | Tanzania Network Information Centre (tzNIC) |
.ua | country-code | Hostmaster Ltd. |
.ug | country-code | Uganda Online Ltd. |
.uk | country-code | Nominet UK |
.um | country-code | Not assigned |
.us | country-code | NeuStar, Inc. |
.uy | country-code | SeCIU – Universidad de la Republica |
.uz | country-code | Computerization and Information Technologies Developing Center UZINFOCOM |
.va | country-code | Holy See Secretariat of State Department of Telecommunications |
.vc | country-code | Ministry of Telecommunications, Science, Technology and Industry |
.ve | country-code | Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL) |
.vg | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of the Virgin Islands |
.vi | country-code | Virgin Islands Public Telcommunications System c/o COBEX Internet Services |
.vn | country-code | Ministry of Information and Communications of Socialist Republic of Viet Nam |
.vu | country-code | Telecom Vanuatu Limited |
.wf | country-code | Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.) |
.ws | country-code | Government of Samoa Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade |
.한국 | country-code | KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency) |
.ভারত | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.বাংলা | country-code | Not assigned |
.қаз | country-code | Association of IT Companies of Kazakhstan |
.срб | country-code | Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS) |
.бел | country-code | Reliable Software Inc. |
.சிங்கப்பூர் | country-code | Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd |
.мкд | country-code | Macedonian Academic Research Network Skopje |
.中国 | country-code | China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) |
.中國 | country-code | China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) |
.భారత్ | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.ලංකා | country-code | LK Domain Registry |
.ભારત | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.भारत | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.укр | country-code | Ukrainian Network Information Centre (UANIC) |
.香港 | country-code | Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Ltd. |
.台湾 | country-code | Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) |
.台灣 | country-code | Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) |
.мон | country-code | Datacom Co. |
.الجزائر | country-code | CERIST |
.عمان | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.ایران | country-code | Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) |
.امارات | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.پاکستان | country-code | Not assigned |
.الاردن | country-code | National Information Technology Center (NITC) |
.بھارت | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.المغرب | country-code | Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT) |
.السعودية | country-code | Communications and Information Technology Commission |
.سودان | country-code | Not assigned |
.عراق | country-code | Not assigned |
.مليسيا | country-code | MYNIC Berhad |
.გე | country-code | Information Technologies Development Center (ITDC) |
.ไทย | country-code | Thai Network Information Center Foundation |
.سورية | country-code | National Agency for Network Services (NANS) |
.рф | country-code | Coordination Center for TLD RU |
.تونس | country-code | Agence Tunisienne d’Internet |
.ਭਾਰਤ | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.مصر | country-code | National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority – NTRA |
.قطر | country-code | Communications Regulatory Authority |
.இலங்கை | country-code | LK Domain Registry |
.இந்தியா | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.հայ | country-code | Not assigned |
.新加坡 | country-code | Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd |
.فلسطين | country-code | Ministry of Telecom & Information Technology (MTIT) |
.ye | country-code | TeleYemen |
.yt | country-code | Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.) |
.za | country-code | ZA Domain Name Authority |
.zm | country-code | Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) |
.zw | country-code | Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) |