
Encontrar el dominio ideal para el proyecto es un problema que todas las emprendedoras nos encontramos, ya trataremos el tema del naming y de qué es un dominio en otros posts, pero una vez hayas definido el nombre de tu proyecto toca saber si el dominio está libre, cuánto cuesta y dónde registrarlo.

Antes que nada es importante que definamos qué es un dominio, qué tipos de dominio hay, para qué sirve cada uno, una vez tengamos esta información podremos definir cuál es el mejor para nosotras.


¿Qué es un dominio?

Un dominio es la “traducción” de direcciones IP y puertos para que pueda ser accesible a más personas. Es imposible que recordemos que la web de nuestra tienda online favorita está en y sí que es más fácil recordar que está en

Los dominios se dividen en dos partes, el nombre y la extensión: en “mompreneurs” es el nombre y “.vip” la extensión. El dominio son solo estos dos términos, ni el https o http ni el www. forman parte del dominio sino de la URL de una página o sitio web.

¿Qué tipos de extensiones de dominios hay?

Inicialmente el sistema de dominios se dividió en dos grupos al que podríamos añadir un tercero:


Los “country code top level domain” (o dominio de nivel superior geográfico) son dominios territoriales basados en los dos caracteres de identificación de cada territorio de acuerdo a las abreviaciones del ISO-3166. Ej: es para España, it para Italia, fr para Francia, mx para México, ar para Argentina, etc.


Son los dominios de nivel superior genéricos (generic top level domain) que representan una serie de nombres y multiorganizaciones, inicialmente fueron: COM, NET, ORG, EDU, GOB y MIL, y luego se unieron otros debido al crecimiento de Internet y a la necesidad de nuevas direcciones.


Nuevos dominios de nivel superior: creados en los últimos años para suplir la demanda ya que los dominios comerciales estándar suelen estar ya registrados.

Incluye nombres de marcas (.abbott, .google, .apple), profesiones (.abogado, .accountant, etc), tipo de negocio (.shop, .agency, etc)

¿Cuál es la extensión de dominio más adecuada para mi negocio?

Mi recomendación para las clientas es siempre similar: si está disponible el .com, si tu negocio es nacional o local la siguiente opción sería el ccTLD de tu país, en nuestro caso .es para España pero lo mismo para .mx o .ar para México y Argentina respectivamente.

Orden de preferencia de dominios

  1. .com
  2. .es o ccTLD
  3. gTLD relacionados con el sector, la industria o el tipo de servicio, ej: .shop, .store, .mobi, .barcelona

¿Cómo saber si el dominio que quiero usar está disponible para registrarlo?

Es importante que a la hora de buscar si el dominio está registrado lo hagas en una web seria y de confianza, en España hay muchas como Don Dominio, Red Coruña, Webempresa, Siteground, etc. A nivel internacional tenemos a Godaddy con una buena herramienta de búsqueda de dominios en Lote

Yo suelo utilizar Namecheap que me permite saber si un nombre de dominio está libre no solo en los gTLD estándar, sino también en los nuevos (como este mismo dominio en el que estamos con la extensión .VIP).


Una vez se confirma que el dominio deseado está libre toca registrarlo, esto podemos hacerlo en el mismo hosting que tenemos contratado y luego apuntar el dominio a nuestro servidor de forma sencilla, y si no tenemos alojamiento contratado hacerlo al mismo tiempo que registramos el dominio. En muchas empresas al contratar el alojamiento anual de la web incluyen una promoción con el registro del dominio gratis por un año, como en Siteground.

¿Tienes dudas? Deja tu comentario o compártelo en uno de tus grupos para intercambiar opiniones con otras compañeras.


Lista de gTLD

Extensión de dominioTipo de DominioOrganización
.abbottgenericAbbott Laboratories, Inc.
.abogadogenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.academygenericHalf Oaks, LLC
.accountantgenericdot Accountant Limited
.accountantsgenericKnob Town, LLC
.activegenericThe Active Network, Inc
.actorgenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.adsgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.adultgenericICM Registry AD LLC
.aerosponsoredSociete Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautique (SITA INC USA)
.aflgenericAustralian Football League
.agencygenericSteel Falls, LLC
.airforcegenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.allfinanzgenericAllfinanz Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft
.alsacegenericREGION D ALSACE
.amsterdamgenericGemeente Amsterdam
.androidgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.apartmentsgenericJune Maple, LLC
.armygenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.arpainfrastructureInternet Architecture Board (IAB)
.asiasponsoredDotAsia Organisation Ltd.
.associatesgenericBaxter Hill, LLC
.attorneygenericUnited TLD Holdco, Ltd
.auctiongenericUnited TLD HoldCo, Ltd.
.audiogenericUniregistry, Corp.
.autosgenericDERAutos, LLC
.axagenericAXA SA
.bandgenericUnited TLD Holdco, Ltd
.bankgenericfTLD Registry Services, LLC
.bargenericPunto 2012 Sociedad Anonima Promotora de Inversion de Capital Variable
.barclaycardgenericBarclays Bank PLC
.barclaysgenericBarclays Bank PLC
.bargainsgenericHalf Hallow, LLC
.bauhausgenericWerkhaus GmbH
.bayerngenericBayern Connect GmbH
.bbcgenericBritish Broadcasting Corporation
.beergenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.berlingenericdotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG
.bestgenericBestTLD Pty Ltd
.bidgenericdot Bid Limited
.bikegenericGrand Hollow, LLC
.bingogenericSand Cedar, LLC
.bizgeneric-restrictedNeuStar, Inc.
.blackgenericAfilias Limited
.blackfridaygenericUniregistry, Corp.
.bloomberggenericBloomberg IP Holdings LLC
.bluegenericAfilias Limited
.bmwgenericBayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft
.bnpparibasgenericBNP Paribas
.boatsgenericDERBoats, LLC
.bondgenericBond University Limited
.boogenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.boutiquegenericOver Galley, LLC vzw
.budapestgenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.buildgenericPlan Bee LLC
.buildersgenericAtomic Madison, LLC
.businessgenericSpring Cross, LLC
.buzzgenericDOTSTRATEGY CO.
.cabgenericHalf Sunset, LLC
.cafegenericPioneer Canyon, LLC
.calgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.cameragenericAtomic Maple, LLC
.campgenericDelta Dynamite, LLC
.cancerresearchgenericAustralian Cancer Research Foundation
.canongenericCanon Inc.
.capetowngenericZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry
.capitalgenericDelta Mill, LLC
.caravangenericCaravan International, Inc.
.cardsgenericFoggy Hollow, LLC
.caregenericGoose Cross, LLC
.careergenericdotCareer LLC
.careersgenericWild Corner, LLC
.cartiergenericRichemont DNS Inc.
.casagenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.cashgenericDelta Lake, LLC
.casinogenericBinky Sky, LLC
.catsponsoredFundacio puntCAT
.cateringgenericNew Falls. LLC
.cbngenericThe Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc.
.centergenericTin Mill, LLC
.ceogenericCEOTLD Pty Ltd
.cerngenericEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (“CERN”)
.channelgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.chatgenericSand Fields, LLC
.cheapgenericSand Cover, LLC
.chloegenericRichemont DNS Inc.
.christmasgenericUniregistry, Corp.
.chromegenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.churchgenericHolly Fileds, LLC
.citicgenericCITIC Group Corporation
.citygenericSnow Sky, LLC
.claimsgenericBlack Corner, LLC
.cleaninggenericFox Shadow, LLC
.clickgenericUniregistry, Corp.
.clinicgenericGoose Park, LLC
.clothinggenericSteel Lake, LLC
.clubgeneric.CLUB DOMAINS, LLC
.coachgenericKoko Island, LLC
.codesgenericPuff Willow, LLC
.coffeegenericTrixy Cover, LLC
.collegegenericXYZ.COM LLC
.colognegenericNetCologne Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mbH
.comgenericVeriSign Global Registry Services
.communitygenericFox Orchard, LLC
.companygenericSilver Avenue, LLC
.computergenericPine Mill, LLC
.condosgenericPine House, LLC
.constructiongenericFox Dynamite, LLC
.consultinggenericUnited TLD Holdco, LTD.
.contractorsgenericMagic Woods, LLC
.cookinggenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.coolgenericKoko Lake, LLC
.coopsponsoredDotCooperation LLC
.countrygenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.creditgenericSnow Shadow, LLC
.creditcardgenericBinky Frostbite, LLC
.cricketgenericdot Cricket Limited
.crsgenericFederated Co-operatives Limited
.cruisesgenericSpring Way, LLC
.cuisinellagenericSALM S.A.S.
.cymrugenericNominet UK
.cyougenericBeijing Gamease Age Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
.daburgenericDabur India Limited
.dadgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.dancegenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.dategenericdot Date Limited
.datinggenericPine Fest, LLC
.datsungenericNISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.
.daygenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.dclkgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.dealsgenericSand Sunset, LLC
.degreegenericUnited TLD Holdco, Ltd
.deliverygenericSteel Station, LLC
.democratgenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.dentalgenericTin Birch, LLC
.dentistgenericUnited TLD Holdco, Ltd
.desigenericDesi Networks LLC
.designgenericTop Level Design, LLC
.devgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.diamondsgenericJohn Edge, LLC
.dietgenericUniregistry, Corp.
.digitalgenericDash Park, LLC
.directgenericHalf Trail, LLC
.directorygenericExtra Madison, LLC
.discountgenericHolly Hill, LLC
.dnpgenericDai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
.docsgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.dohagenericCommunications Regulatory Authority (CRA)
.domainsgenericSugar Cross, LLC
.doosangenericDoosan Corporation
.downloadgenericdot Support Limited
.durbangenericZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry
.dvaggenericDeutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG
.eatgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.educationgenericBrice Way, LLC
.emailgenericSpring Madison, LLC
.emerckgenericMerck KGaA
.energygenericBinky Birch, LLC
.engineergenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.engineeringgenericRomeo Canyon
.enterprisesgenericSnow Oaks, LLC
.epsongenericSeiko Epson Corporation
.equipmentgenericCorn Station, LLC
.ernigenericERNI Group Holding AG
.esqgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.estategenericTrixy Park, LLC
.eurovisiongenericEuropean Broadcasting Union (EBU)
.eusgenericPuntueus Fundazioa
.eventsgenericPioneer Maple, LLC
.exchangegenericSpring Falls, LLC
.expertgenericMagic Pass, LLC
.exposedgenericVictor Beach, LLC
.expressgenericSea Sunset, LLC
.failgenericAtomic Pipe, LLC
.faithgenericdot Faith Limited
.fangenericAsiamix Digital Ltd
.fansgenericAsiamix Digital Limited
.farmgenericJust Maple, LLC
.fashiongenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.feedbackgenericTop Level Spectrum, Inc.
.filmgenericMotion Picture Domain Registry Pty Ltd
.financegenericCotton Cypress, LLC
.financialgenericJust Cover, LLC
.firmdalegenericFirmdale Holdings Limited
.fishgenericFox Woods, LLC
.fishinggenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.fitgenericMinds + Machines Group Limited
.fitnessgenericBrice Orchard, LLC
.flightsgenericFox Station, LLC
.floristgenericHalf Cypress, LLC
.flowersgenericUniregistry, Corp.
.flsmidthgenericFLSmidth A/S
.flygenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.foogenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.footballgenericFoggy Farms, LLC
.forsalegenericUnited TLD Holdco, LLC
.foundationgenericJohn Dale, LLC
.frlgenericFRLregistry B.V.
.fundgenericJohn Castle, LLC
.furnituregenericLone Fields, LLC
.futbolgenericUnited TLD Holdco, Ltd.
.galgenericAsociación puntoGAL
.gallerygenericSugar House, LLC
.gardengenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.gbizgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.gdngenericJoint Stock Company “Navigation-information systems”
.ggeegenericGMO Internet, Inc.
.giftgenericUniregistry, Corp.
.giftsgenericGoose Sky, LLC
.givesgenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.glassgenericBlack Cover, LLC
.glegenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.globalgenericDot Global Domain Registry Limited
.globogenericGlobo Comunicação e Participações S.A
.gmailgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.gmogenericGMO Internet, Inc.
.gmxgeneric1&1 Mail & Media GmbH
.goldgenericJune Edge, LLC
.goldpointgenericYODOBASHI CAMERA CO.,LTD.
.golfgenericLone Falls, LLC
.googenericNTT Resonant Inc.
.googgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.googlegenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.gopgenericRepublican State Leadership Committee, Inc.
.govsponsoredGeneral Services Administration Attn: QTDC, 2E08 (.gov Domain Registration)
.graphicsgenericOver Madison, LLC
.gratisgenericPioneer Tigers, LLC
.greengenericAfilias Limited
.gripegenericCorn Sunset, LLC
.gugegenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.guidegenericSnow Moon, LLC
.guitarsgenericUniregistry, Corp.
.gurugenericPioneer Cypress, LLC
.hamburggenericHamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH
.hangoutgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.hausgenericUnited TLD Holdco, LTD.
.healthcaregenericSilver Glen, LLC
.helpgenericUniregistry, Corp.
.heregenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.hermesgenericHermes International
.hiphopgenericUniregistry, Corp.
.hivgenericdotHIV gemeinnuetziger e.V.
.holdingsgenericJohn Madison, LLC
.holidaygenericGoose Woods, LLC
.homesgenericDERHomes, LLC
.horsegenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.hostgenericDotHost Inc.
.hostinggenericUniregistry, Corp.
.housegenericSugar Park, LLC
.howgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.ibmgenericInternational Business Machines Corporation
.ifmgenericifm electronic gmbh
.immogenericAuburn Bloom, LLC
.immobiliengenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.industriesgenericOuter House, LLC
.infinitigenericNISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.
.infogenericAfilias Limited
.inggenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.inkgenericTop Level Design, LLC
.institutegenericOuter Maple, LLC
.insuregenericPioneer Willow, LLC
.intsponsoredInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
.internationalgenericWild Way, LLC
.investmentsgenericHolly Glen, LLC
.irishgenericDot-Irish LLC
.iwcgenericRichemont DNS Inc.
.javagenericOracle Corporation
.jcbgenericJCB Co., Ltd.
.jetztgenericNew TLD Company AB
.jobssponsoredEmploy Media LLC
.joburggenericZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry
.juegosgenericUniregistry, Corp.
.kaufengenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.kimgenericAfilias Limited
.kitchengenericJust Goodbye, LLC
.kiwigenericDOT KIWI LIMITED
.koelngenericNetCologne Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mbH
.komatsugenericKomatsu Ltd.
.krdgenericKRG Department of Information Technology
.kredgenericKredTLD Pty Ltd
.kyotogenericAcademic Institution: Kyoto Jyoho Gakuen
.landgenericPine Moon, LLC
.latgenericECOM-LAC Federación de Latinoamérica y el Caribe para Internet y el Comercio Electrónico
.latrobegenericLa Trobe University
.lawyergenericUnited TLD Holdco, Ltd
.ldsgenericIRI Domain Management, LLC
.leasegenericVictor Trail, LLC
.leclercgenericA.C.D. LEC Association des Centres Distributeurs Edouard Leclerc
.legalgenericBlue Falls, LLC
.lgbtgenericAfilias Limited
.lidlgenericSchwarz Domains und Services GmbH & Co. KG
.lifegenericTrixy Oaks, LLC
.lightinggenericJohn McCook, LLC
.limitedgenericBig Fest, LLC
.limogenericHidden Frostbite, LLC
.linkgenericUniregistry, Corp.
.loangenericdot Loan Limited
.loansgenericJune Woods, LLC
.londongenericDot London Domains Limited
.lottegenericLotte Holdings Co., Ltd.
.lottogenericAfilias Limited
.lovegenericMerchant Law Group LLP
.ltdagenericInterNetX Corp.
.luxegenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.luxurygenericLuxury Partners LLC
.madridgenericComunidad de Madrid
.maifgenericMutuelle Assurance Instituteur France (MAIF)
.maisongenericVictor Frostbite, LLC
.managementgenericJohn Goodbye, LLC
.mangogenericPUNTO FA S.L.
.marketgenericUnitied TLD Holdco, Ltd
.marketinggenericFern Pass, LLC
.marriottgenericMarriott Worldwide Corporation
.mediagenericGrand Glen, LLC
.meetgenericAfilias Limited
.melbournegenericThe Crown in right of the State of Victoria, represented by its Department of State Development, Business and Innovation
.memegenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.memorialgenericDog Beach, LLC
.menugenericWedding TLD2, LLC
.miamigenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.milsponsoredDoD Network Information Center
.minigenericBayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft
.mmagenericMMA IARD
.mobisponsoredAfilias Technologies Limited dba dotMobi
.modagenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.moegenericInterlink Co., Ltd.
.monashgenericMonash University
.moneygenericOuter McCook, LLC
.mormongenericIRI Domain Management, LLC (“Applicant”)
.mortgagegenericUnited TLD Holdco, Ltd
.moscowgenericFoundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development (FAITID)
.motorcyclesgenericDERMotorcycles, LLC
.movgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.moviegenericNew Frostbite, LLC
.mtngenericMTN Dubai Limited
.mtpcgenericMitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation
.museumsponsoredMuseum Domain Management Association
.nagoyagenericGMO Registry, Inc.
.namegeneric-restrictedVeriSign Information Services, Inc.
.navygenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.netgenericVeriSign Global Registry Services
.networkgenericTrixy Manor, LLC
.neustargenericNeuStar, Inc.
.newgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.newsgenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.nexusgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.ngogenericPublic Interest Registry
.nhkgenericJapan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK)
.nicogenericDWANGO Co., Ltd.
.ninjagenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.nissangenericNISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.
.nragenericNRA Holdings Company, INC.
.nrwgenericMinds + Machines GmbH
.nycgenericThe City of New York by and through the New York City Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications
.okinawagenericBusinessRalliart inc. A/S
.onggenericPublic Interest Registry
.onlgenericI-REGISTRY Ltd., Niederlassung Deutschland
.onlinegenericDotOnline Inc.
.orggenericPublic Interest Registry (PIR)
.organicgenericAfilias Limited
.osakagenericInterlink Co., Ltd.
.otsukagenericOtsuka Holdings Co., Ltd.
.ovhgenericOVH SAS
.pagegenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.paneraigenericRichemont DNS Inc.
.parisgenericCity of Paris
.partnersgenericMagic Glen, LLC
.partsgenericSea Goodbye, LLC
.partygenericBlue Sky Registry Limited
.pharmacygenericNational Association of Boards of Pharmacy
.photogenericUniregistry, Corp.
.photographygenericSugar Glen, LLC
.photosgenericSea Corner, LLC
.physiogenericPhysBiz Pty Ltd
.piagetgenericRichemont DNS Inc.
.picsgenericUniregistry, Corp.
.pictetgenericPictet Europe S.A.
.picturesgenericFoggy Sky, LLC
.pinkgenericAfilias Limited
.pizzagenericFoggy Moon, LLC
.placegenericSnow Galley, LLC
.plumbinggenericSpring Tigers, LLC
.plusgenericSugar Mill, LLC
.pohlgenericDeutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG
.pokergenericAfilias Domains No. 5 Limited
.porngenericICM Registry PN LLC
.postsponsoredUniversal Postal Union
.praxigenericPraxi S.p.A.
.pressgenericDotPress Inc.
.progeneric-restrictedRegistry Services Corporation dba RegistryPro
.prodgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.productionsgenericMagic Birch, LLC
.profgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.propertiesgenericBig Pass, LLC
.propertygenericUniregistry, Corp.
.pubgenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.qpongenericdotCOOL, Inc.
.quebecgenericPointQuébec Inc
.racinggenericPremier Registry Limited
.realtorgenericReal Estate Domains LLC
.recipesgenericGrand Island, LLC
.redgenericAfilias Limited
.redstonegenericRedstone Haute Couture Co., Ltd.
.rehabgenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.reisegenericdotreise GmbH
.reisengenericNew Cypress, LLC
.reitgenericNational Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, Inc.
.rengenericBeijing Qianxiang Wangjing Technology Development Co., Ltd.
.rentalsgenericBig Hollow,LLC
.repairgenericLone Sunset, LLC
.reportgenericBinky Glen, LLC
.republicangenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.restgenericPunto 2012 Sociedad Anonima Promotora de Inversion de Capital Variable
.restaurantgenericSnow Avenue, LLC
.reviewgenericdot Review Limited
.reviewsgenericUnited TLD Holdco, Ltd.
.richgenericI-REGISTRY Ltd., Niederlassung Deutschland
.riogenericEmpresa Municipal de Informática SA – IPLANRIO
.ripgenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.rocksgenericUnited TLD Holdco, LTD.
.rodeogenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.rsvpgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.ruhrgenericregiodot GmbH & Co. KG
.ryukyugenericBusinessRalliart inc.
.saarlandgenericdotSaarland GmbH
.salegenericUnited TLD Holdco, Ltd
.samsunggenericSAMSUNG SDS CO., LTD
.sapgenericSAP AG
.sarlgenericDelta Orchard, LLC
.saxogenericSaxo Bank A/S
.scbgenericThe Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited (“SCB”)
.schmidtgenericSALM S.A.S., LLC
.schoolgenericLittle Galley, LLC
.schulegenericOuter Moon, LLC
.schwarzgenericSchwarz Domains und Services GmbH & Co. KG
.sciencegenericdot Science Limited
.scotgenericDot Scot Registry Limited
.servicesgenericFox Castle, LLC
.sewgenericSEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG
.sexygenericUniregistry, Corp.
.shikshagenericAfilias Limited
.shoesgenericBinky Galley, LLC
.shriramgenericShriram Capital Ltd.
.singlesgenericFern Madison, LLC
.sitegenericDotSite Inc.
.skygenericSky IP International Ltd, a company incorporated in England and Wales, operating via its registered Swiss branch
.socialgenericUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.
.softwaregenericUnited TLD Holdco, Ltd Limited
.solargenericRuby Town, LLC
.solutionsgenericSilver Cover, LLC
.soygenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.spacegenericDotSpace Inc.
.spiegelgenericSPIEGEL-Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH & Co. KG
.stylegenericBinky Moon, LLC
.sucksgenericVox Populi Registry Inc.
.suppliesgenericAtomic Fields, LLC
.supplygenericHalf Falls, LLC
.supportgenericGrand Orchard, LLC
.surfgenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.surgerygenericTin Avenue, LLC
.sydneygenericState of New South Wales, Department of Premier and Cabinet
.systemsgenericDash Cypress, LLC
.taipeigenericTaipei City Government
.tatargenericLimited Liability Company “Coordination Center of Regional Domain of Tatarstan Republic”
.tattoogenericUniregistry, Corp.
.taxgenericStorm Orchard, LLC
.techgenericDot Tech LLC
.technologygenericAuburn Falls, LLC
.telsponsoredTelnic Ltd.
.temasekgenericTemasek Holdings (Private) Limited
.tennisgenericCotton Bloom, LLC
.ticketsgenericAccent Media Limited
.tiendagenericVictor Manor, LLC
.tipsgenericCorn Willow, LLC
.tiresgenericDog Edge, LLC
.tirolgenericpunkt Tirol GmbH
.todaygenericPearl Woods, LLC
.tokyogenericGMO Registry, Inc.
.toolsgenericPioneer North, LLC
.topgenericJiangsu Bangning Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.
.toshibagenericTOSHIBA Corporation
.toursgenericSugar Station, LLC
.towngenericKoko Moon, LLC
.toysgenericPioneer Orchard, LLC
.tradegenericElite Registry Limited
.traininggenericWild Willow, LLC
.travelsponsoredTralliance Registry Management Company, LLC.
.trustgenericArtemis Internet Inc
.tuigenericTUI AG
.universitygenericLittle Station, LLC
.unogenericDot Latin LLC
.vacationsgenericAtomic Tigers, LLC
.vegasgenericDot Vegas, Inc.
.venturesgenericBinky Lake, LLC
.versicherunggenericdotversicherung-registry GmbH
.vetgenericUnited TLD Holdco, Ltd
.viajesgenericBlack Madison, LLC
.videogenericUnited TLD Holdco, Ltd
.villasgenericNew Sky, LLC
.visiongenericKoko Station, LLC vzw
.vodkagenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.votegenericMonolith Registry LLC
.votinggenericValuetainment Corp.
.votogenericMonolith Registry LLC
.voyagegenericRuby House, LLC
.walesgenericNominet UK
.wanggenericZodiac Registry Limited
.watchgenericSand Shadow, LLC
.webcamgenericdot Webcam Limited
.websitegenericDotWebsite Inc.
.wedgenericAtgron, Inc.
.weddinggenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.whoswhogenericWho’s Who Registry GmbH
.wikigenericTop Level Design, LLC
.williamhillgenericWilliam Hill Organization Limited
.wingenericFirst Registry Limited
.wmegenericWilliam Morris Endeavor Entertainment, LLC
.workgenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.worksgenericLittle Dynamite, LLC
.worldgenericBitter Fields, LLC
.wtcgenericWorld Trade Centers Association, Inc.
.wtfgenericHidden Way, LLC
.xingenericElegant Leader Limited
.测试testInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
.परीक्षाtestInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
.佛山genericGuangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co.
.慈善genericExcellent First Limited
.集团genericEagle Horizon Limited
.八卦genericZodiac Scorpio Limited
.موقعgenericSuhub Electronic Establishment
.公益genericChina Organizational Name Administration Center
.公司genericComputer Network Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China Internet Network Information Center)
.移动genericAfilias Limited
.我爱你genericTycoon Treasure Limited
.москваgenericFoundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development (FAITID)
.испытаниеtestInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
.онлайнgenericCORE Association
.сайтgenericCORE Association
.테스트testInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
.淡马锡genericTemasek Holdings (Private) Limited
.оргgenericPublic Interest Registry
.삼성genericSAMSUNG SDS CO.
.商店genericWild Island
.商城genericZodiac Aquarius Limited
.детиgenericThe Foundation for Network Initiatives “The Smart Internet”
.טעסטtestInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
.中信genericCITIC Group Corporation
.谷歌genericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.測試testInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
.آزمایشیtestInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
.பரிட்சைtestInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
.网店genericZodiac Libra Limited
.संगठनgenericPublic Interest Registry
.网络genericComputer Network Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China Internet Network Information Center)
.δοκιμήtestInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
.飞利浦genericKoninklijke Philips N.V.
.إختبارtestInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
.手机genericBeijing RITT-Net Technology Development Co.
.بازارgenericCORE Association
.政府genericNet-Chinese Co.
.شبكةgenericInternational Domain Registry Pty. Ltd.
.机构genericPublic Interest Registry
.组织机构genericPublic Interest Registry
.健康genericStable Tone Limited
.русgenericRusnames Limited
.みんなgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.グーグルgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.世界genericStable Tone Limited
.网址genericKNET Co.
.游戏genericSpring Fields
.vermögensberatergenericDeutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG
.vermögensberatunggenericDeutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG
.企业genericDash McCook
.信息genericBeijing Tele-info Network Technology Co.
.广东genericGuangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co.
.テストtestInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
.政务genericChina Organizational Name Administration Center
.xxxsponsoredICM Registry LLC
.xyzgenericXYZ.COM LLC
.yodobashigenericYODOBASHI CAMERA CO.
.yogagenericTop Level Domain Holdings Limited
.yokohamagenericGMO Registry
.youtubegenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.zipgenericCharleston Road Registry Inc.
.zonegenericOuter Falls
.zuerichgenericKanton Zürich (Canton of Zurich)

Lista de ccTLD

Extensión de dominioTipo de DominioOrganización
.accountry-codeNetwork Information Center (AC Domain Registry) c/o Cable and Wireless (Ascension Island)
.adcountry-codeAndorra Telecom
.aecountry-codeTelecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA)
.afcountry-codeMinistry of Communications and IT
.agcountry-codeUHSA School of Medicine
.aicountry-codeGovernment of Anguilla
.alcountry-codeElectronic and Postal Communications Authority – AKEP
.amcountry-codeInternet Society
.ancountry-codeUniversity of Curacao
.aocountry-codeFaculdade de Engenharia da Universidade Agostinho Neto
.aqcountry-codeAntarctica Network Information Centre Limited
.arcountry-codePresidencia de la Nación – Secretaría Legal y Técnica
.ascountry-codeAS Domain Registry GmbH Domain Administration (auDA)
.axcountry-codeÃ…lands landskapsregering
.bacountry-codeUniverstiy Telinformatic Centre (UTIC)
.bbcountry-codeGovernment of Barbados Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Telecommunications Unit
.bdcountry-codeMinistry of Post & Telecommunications Bangladesh Secretariat
.becountry-codeDNS Belgium vzw/asbl
.bfcountry-codeARCE-AutoritÈ de RÈgulation des Communications Electroniques
.bhcountry-codeTelecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)
.bicountry-codeCentre National de l’Informatique
.bjcountry-codeBenin Telecoms S.A.
.blcountry-codeNot assigned
.bmcountry-codeRegistry General Ministry of Labour and Immigration
.bncountry-codeTelekom Brunei Berhad
.bocountry-codeAgencia para el Desarrollo de la Información de la Sociedad en Bolivia
.bqcountry-codeNot assigned
.brcountry-codeComite Gestor da Internet no Brasil
.bscountry-codeThe College of the Bahamas
.btcountry-codeMinistry of Information and Communications
.bvcountry-codeUNINETT Norid A/S
.bwcountry-codeBotswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA)
.bycountry-codeReliable Software Inc.
.bzcountry-codeUniversity of Belize
.cacountry-codeCanadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) Autorite Canadienne pour les Enregistrements Internet (ACEI)
.cccountry-codeeNIC Cocos (Keeling) Islands Pty. Ltd. d/b/a Island Internet Services
.cdcountry-codeOffice Congolais des Postes et Télécommunications – OCPT
.cfcountry-codeSociete Centrafricaine de Telecommunications (SOCATEL)
.cgcountry-codeONPT Congo and Interpoint Switzerland
.chcountry-codeSWITCH The Swiss Education & Research Network
.cicountry-codeINP-HB Institut National Polytechnique Felix Houphouet Boigny
.ckcountry-codeTelecom Cook Islands Ltd.
.clcountry-codeNIC Chile (University of Chile)
.cmcountry-codeCameroon Telecommunications (CAMTEL)
.cncountry-codeComputer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
.cocountry-code.CO Internet S.A.S.
.crcountry-codeNational Academy of Sciences Academia Nacional de Ciencias
.cucountry-codeCENIAInternet Industria y San Jose Capitolio Nacional
.cvcountry-codeAgência Nacional das Comunicações (ANAC)
.cwcountry-codeUniversity of Curacao
.cxcountry-codeChristmas Island Internet Administration Limited
.cycountry-codeUniversity of Cyprus
.czcountry-codeCZ.NIC, z.s.p.o
.decountry-codeDENIC eG
.djcountry-codeDjibouti Telecom S.A
.dkcountry-codeDansk Internet Forum
.dmcountry-codeDotDM Corporation
.docountry-codePontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra Recinto Santo Tomas de Aquino
.eccountry-codeNIC.EC (NICEC) S.A.
.eecountry-codeEesti Interneti Sihtasutus (EIS)
.egcountry-codeEgyptian Universities Network (EUN) Supreme Council of Universities
.ehcountry-codeNot assigned
.ercountry-codeEritrea Telecommunication Services Corporation (EriTel)
.etcountry-codeEthio telecom
.eucountry-codeEURid vzw/asbl
.ficountry-codeFinnish Communications Regulatory Authority
.fjcountry-codeThe University of the South Pacific IT Services
.fkcountry-codeFalkland Islands Government
.fmcountry-codeFSM Telecommunications Corporation
.focountry-codeFO Council
.frcountry-codeAssociation Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.)
.gacountry-codeAgence Nationale des Infrastructures Numériques et des Fréquences (ANINF)
.gbcountry-codeReserved Domain – IANA
.gdcountry-codeThe National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC)
.gecountry-codeCaucasus Online
.gfcountry-codeNet Plus
.ggcountry-codeIsland Networks Ltd.
.ghcountry-codeNetwork Computer Systems Limited
.gicountry-codeSapphire Networks
.glcountry-codeTELE Greenland A/S
.gncountry-codeCentre National des Sciences Halieutiques de Boussoura
.gpcountry-codeNetworking Technologies Group
.grcountry-codeICS-FORTH GR
.gscountry-codeGovernment of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI)
.gtcountry-codeUniversidad del Valle de Guatemala
.gucountry-codeUniversity of Guam Computer Center
.gwcountry-codeAutoridade Reguladora Nacional – Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação da Guiné-Bissau
.gycountry-codeUniversity of Guyana
.hkcountry-codeHong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Ltd.
.hmcountry-codeHM Domain Registry
.hncountry-codeRed de Desarrollo Sostenible Honduras
.hrcountry-codeCARNet – Croatian Academic and Research Network
.htcountry-codeConsortium FDS/RDDH
.hucountry-codeCouncil of Hungarian Internet Providers (CHIP)
.idcountry-codePerkumpulan Pengelola Nama Domain Internet Indonesia (PANDI)
.iecountry-codeUniversity College Dublin Computing Services Computer Centre
.ilcountry-codeInternet Society of Israel
.imcountry-codeIsle of Man Government
.incountry-codeNational Internet Exchange of India
.iocountry-codeIO Top Level Domain Registry Cable and Wireless
.iqcountry-codeCommunications and Media Commission (CMC)
.ircountry-codeInstitute for Research in Fundamental Sciences
.iscountry-codeISNIC – Internet Iceland ltd.
.itcountry-codeIIT – CNR
.jecountry-codeIsland Networks (Jersey) Ltd.
.jmcountry-codeUniversity of West Indies
.jocountry-codeNational Information Technology Center (NITC)
.jpcountry-codeJapan Registry Services Co., Ltd.
.kecountry-codeKenya Network Information Center (KeNIC)
.kgcountry-codeAsiaInfo Telecommunication Enterprise
.khcountry-codeMinistry of Post and Telecommunications
.kicountry-codeMinistry of Communications, Transport, and Tourism Development
.kmcountry-codeComores Telecom
.kncountry-codeMinistry of Finance, Sustainable Development Information & Technology
.kpcountry-codeStar Joint Venture Company
.krcountry-codeKorea Internet & Security Agency (KISA)
.kwcountry-codeMinistry of Communications
.kycountry-codeThe Information and Communications Technology Authority
.kzcountry-codeAssociation of IT Companies of Kazakhstan
.lacountry-codeLao National Internet Committee (LANIC), Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
.lbcountry-codeAmerican University of Beirut Computing and Networking Services
.lccountry-codeUniversity of Puerto Rico
.licountry-codeUniversitaet Liechtenstein
.lkcountry-codeCouncil for Information Technology LK Domain Registrar
.lrcountry-codeData Technology Solutions, Inc.
.lscountry-codeNational University of Lesotho
.ltcountry-codeKaunas University of Technology
.lvcountry-codeUniversity of Latvia Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Department of Network Solutions (DNS)
.lycountry-codeGeneral Post and Telecommunication Company
.macountry-codeAgence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT)
.mccountry-codeGouvernement de Monaco Direction des Communications Electroniques
.mdcountry-codeMoldData S.E.
.mecountry-codeGovernment of Montenegro
.mfcountry-codeNot assigned
.mgcountry-codeNIC-MG (Network Information Center Madagascar)
.mhcountry-codeOffice of the Cabinet
.mkcountry-codeMacedonian Academic Research Network Skopje
.mlcountry-codeAgence des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication
.mmcountry-codeMinistry of Communications, Posts & Telegraphs
.mncountry-codeDatacom Co., Ltd.
.mocountry-codeBureau of Telecommunications Regulation (DSRT)
.mpcountry-codeSaipan Datacom, Inc.
.mrcountry-codeUniversité des Sciences, de Technologie et de Médecine
.mscountry-codeMNI Networks Ltd.
.mtcountry-codeNIC (Malta)
.mucountry-codeInternet Direct Ltd
.mvcountry-codeDhiraagu Pvt. Ltd. (DHIVEHINET)
.mwcountry-codeMalawi Sustainable Development Network Programme (Malawi SDNP)
.mxcountry-codeNIC-Mexico ITESM – Campus Monterrey
.mycountry-codeMYNIC Berhad
.mzcountry-codeCentro de Informatica de Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
.nacountry-codeNamibian Network Information Center
.nccountry-codeOffice des Postes et Telecommunications
.nfcountry-codeNorfolk Island Data Services
.ngcountry-codeNigeria Internet Registration Association
.nicountry-codeUniversidad Nacional del Ingernieria Centro de Computo
.nlcountry-codeSIDN (Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland)
.nocountry-codeUNINETT Norid A/S
.npcountry-codeMercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd.
.nrcountry-codeCENPAC NET
.nucountry-codeThe IUSN Foundation
.omcountry-codeTelecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)
.pacountry-codeUniversidad Tecnologica de Panama
.pecountry-codeRed Cientifica Peruana
.pfcountry-codeGouvernement de la Polynésie française
.pgcountry-codePNG DNS Administration Vice Chancellors Office The Papua New Guinea University of Technology
.phcountry-codePH Domain Foundation
.plcountry-codeResearch and Academic Computer Network
.pmcountry-codeAssociation Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.)
.pncountry-codePitcairn Island Administration
.prcountry-codeGauss Research Laboratory Inc.
.pscountry-codeMinistry Of Telecommunications & Information Technology, Government Computer Center.
.ptcountry-codeAssociação DNS.PT
.pwcountry-codeMicronesia Investment and Development Corporation
.qacountry-codeCommunications Regulatory Authority
.recountry-codeAssociation Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.)
.rocountry-codeNational Institute for R&D in Informatics
.rscountry-codeSerbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS)
.rucountry-codeCoordination Center for TLD RU
.rwcountry-codeRwanda Information Communication and Technology Association (RICTA)
.sacountry-codeCommunications and Information Technology Commission
.sbcountry-codeSolomon Telekom Company Limited
.sccountry-codeVCS Pty Ltd
.sdcountry-codeSudan Internet Society
.secountry-codeThe Internet Infrastructure Foundation
.sgcountry-codeSingapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd
.shcountry-codeGovernment of St. Helena
.sicountry-codeAcademic and Research Network of Slovenia (ARNES)
.sjcountry-codeUNINETT Norid A/S
.skcountry-codeSK-NIC, a.s.
.smcountry-codeTelecom Italia San Marino S.p.A.
.sncountry-codeUniversite Cheikh Anta Diop NIC Senegal
.socountry-codeMinistry of Post and Telecommunications
.sscountry-codeNot assigned
.sucountry-codeRussian Institute for Development of Public Networks (ROSNIIROS)
.sxcountry-codeSX Registry SA B.V.
.sycountry-codeNational Agency for Network Services (NANS)
.szcountry-codeUniversity of Swaziland Department of Computer Science
.tccountry-codeMelrex TC
.tdcountry-codeSociété des télécommunications du Tchad (SOTEL TCHAD)
.tfcountry-codeAssociation Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.)
.tgcountry-codeCafe Informatique et Telecommunications
.thcountry-codeThai Network Information Center Foundation
.tjcountry-codeInformation Technology Center
.tkcountry-codeTelecommunication Tokelau Corporation (Teletok)
.tlcountry-codeMinistry of Transport and Communications; National Division of Information and Technology
.tmcountry-codeTM Domain Registry Ltd
.tncountry-codeAgence Tunisienne d’Internet
.tocountry-codeGovernment of the Kingdom of Tonga H.R.H. Crown Prince Tupouto’a c/o Consulate of Tonga
.trcountry-codeMiddle East Technical University Department of Computer Engineering
.ttcountry-codeUniversity of the West Indies Faculty of Engineering
.tvcountry-codeMinistry of Finance and Tourism
.twcountry-codeTaiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC)
.tzcountry-codeTanzania Network Information Centre (tzNIC)
.uacountry-codeHostmaster Ltd.
.ugcountry-codeUganda Online Ltd.
.ukcountry-codeNominet UK
.umcountry-codeNot assigned
.uscountry-codeNeuStar, Inc.
.uycountry-codeSeCIU – Universidad de la Republica
.uzcountry-codeComputerization and Information Technologies Developing Center UZINFOCOM
.vacountry-codeHoly See Secretariat of State Department of Telecommunications
.vccountry-codeMinistry of Telecommunications, Science, Technology and Industry
.vecountry-codeComisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL)
.vgcountry-codeTelecommunications Regulatory Commission of the Virgin Islands
.vicountry-codeVirgin Islands Public Telcommunications System c/o COBEX Internet Services
.vncountry-codeMinistry of Information and Communications of Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
.vucountry-codeTelecom Vanuatu Limited
.wfcountry-codeAssociation Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.)
.wscountry-codeGovernment of Samoa Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade
.한국country-codeKISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency)
.ভারতcountry-codeNational Internet Exchange of India
.বাংলাcountry-codeNot assigned
.қазcountry-codeAssociation of IT Companies of Kazakhstan
.србcountry-codeSerbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS)
.белcountry-codeReliable Software Inc.
.சிங்கப்பூர்country-codeSingapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd
.мкдcountry-codeMacedonian Academic Research Network Skopje
.中国country-codeChina Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)
.中國country-codeChina Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)
.భారత్country-codeNational Internet Exchange of India
.ලංකාcountry-codeLK Domain Registry
.ભારતcountry-codeNational Internet Exchange of India
.भारतcountry-codeNational Internet Exchange of India
.укрcountry-codeUkrainian Network Information Centre (UANIC)
.香港country-codeHong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Ltd.
.台湾country-codeTaiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC)
.台灣country-codeTaiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC)
.монcountry-codeDatacom Co.
.عمانcountry-codeTelecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)
.ایرانcountry-codeInstitute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM)
.اماراتcountry-codeTelecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)
.پاکستانcountry-codeNot assigned
.الاردنcountry-codeNational Information Technology Center (NITC)
.بھارتcountry-codeNational Internet Exchange of India
.المغربcountry-codeAgence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT)
.السعوديةcountry-codeCommunications and Information Technology Commission
.سودانcountry-codeNot assigned
.عراقcountry-codeNot assigned
.مليسياcountry-codeMYNIC Berhad
.გეcountry-codeInformation Technologies Development Center (ITDC)
.ไทยcountry-codeThai Network Information Center Foundation
.سوريةcountry-codeNational Agency for Network Services (NANS)
.рфcountry-codeCoordination Center for TLD RU
.تونسcountry-codeAgence Tunisienne d’Internet
.ਭਾਰਤcountry-codeNational Internet Exchange of India
.مصرcountry-codeNational Telecommunication Regulatory Authority – NTRA
.قطرcountry-codeCommunications Regulatory Authority
.இலங்கைcountry-codeLK Domain Registry
.இந்தியாcountry-codeNational Internet Exchange of India
.հայcountry-codeNot assigned
.新加坡country-codeSingapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd
.فلسطينcountry-codeMinistry of Telecom & Information Technology (MTIT)
.ytcountry-codeAssociation Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.)
.zacountry-codeZA Domain Name Authority
.zmcountry-codeZambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA)
.zwcountry-codePostal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ)

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